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佛佛佛 - 收藏夹 - 知乎 - Zhihu:2021-6-29 · 放在中国古伟,谁敢这么打守城战,人头早就被挂在旗杆上风干了;就算打赢了,回来也得被斩首示伡。我现在理解为什么罗柏斯塔克在呓语森林就用了个简单的不能再简单的声东击西就被称为天才统帅,原来维斯特洛的指挥官的平均水平是TM这样的。
PO Box 806, Grandville MI 49468
P: 866-773-2638
F: 616-538-5691
Due to the affects of Covid-19, We will be working remotely from our homes while also staying connected to the various services that we offer our clients at the office.
Our phones will be transferred to our homes. We do not anticipate any changes with how we conduct our business as it relates to you, our valued client.
You will still call the same number, you will get a real person on our staff answering the phone, you will still get the very best service that we can provide to you and you will get the same desire to help you from our employees, which you have become accustomed to throughout the years.
Although these are circumstances that we could not see coming, our day to day activities and responsibilities will be business as usual. We care for each one of you and are comforted with Psalm 46 that “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble” (Vs 1). We trust our sovereign God to sustain us and to enable us to do those things that He wants us to do each day and glorify Him by them.
Please don’t be afraid to email us at or call if needed 866-773-2638, we are here to help you!